Friday, 27 September 2013

July 2013 EYLF Tips from SCR

Early Years Learning Framework

Learning Outcome 1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.

So what does this look like in a childcare setting? Our aim is to have engaged, confident learners within our rooms and we do this in many ways, one of which is allowing children to explore, learn boundaries, make friends, be independent and BELONG!

We used to call this ‘self-help’ skills but know we realise how much more is involved in this. Children need to know they can make decisions for themselves, this is how they learn what is right, wrong, safe or dangerous. Of course the children’s safety is our priority but be aware of how many opportunities you are providing for children within their day.

Confident learners need areas to explore, an environment that evokes curiosity and a supportive Educator encouraging them along the way!


Learning Outcome 1.3: Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities.

When children have opportunities to be heard and their opinion is listened to and valued they become confident learners. Our aim is to ensure that when children go off to school they are confident enough to question, reason, listen and learn and if they are aware of who they and they believe in themselves this will happen.

We need to treat children with the respect and love they deserve. Praise them often, listen well and use your intentional teaching techniques to ensure they develop positive self concepts. 

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