What is Intentional Teaching:
By definition, to be intentional means to act purposefully with a goal in mind and to have a plan for accomplishing it.
Intentional teaching means that Educators act with specific goals in mind for the children in their care and set up the environment accordingly. Intentional teachers have a vast understanding of child development. They must also have a wide range of instructional strategies and know which strategies work best to teach which academic or developmental concept.
Children learn best through child-guided activities, where the children are free to explore and manipulate materials and acquire skills through their own experiences. It is also vital that a fair amount of adult-guided experiences are necessary. In adult-guided experiences, Educators set up experiences where they present information, model skills, and guide the learning toward a specific academic goal. We strive to achieve a good balance between these two types of learning.
Intentional Teaching Tips:
- Understand the developmental abilities of the age group you are with (make sure you have realistic expectations).
- Design your environment in such a way as to encourage curiosity including a large range of natural products.
- Plan some goals you would like the children in your group to achieve before they move to the next room.
- Incorporate these goals into your curriculum gently guiding the children and flow on from their interest.
Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity. See the link below for more info.
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